Legal Notice
Academy for Higher Education Access Development – HERE AHEAD
Forum am Domshof
Domshof 26, 5th floor
28195 Bremen
Legal Form
The University of Bremen is a corporation under public law, officially represented by its President Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther.
The responsible supervisory authority is Bremen's Senator for Science, Health and Consumer Protection, Rembertiring 8 – 12, 28195 Bremen.
German VAT ID
DE 811 245 070 (pursuant § 27 a UStG)
Online Editorial Office
Academy for Higher Education Access Development – HERE AHEAD
Hochschulring 40
28359 Bremen
Data Privacy
Notes on data privacy (currently available in German only)
Lead Design
JeTi – Konzept, Kommunikation & Realisation
A cooperation of Tini Emde and Zwo.Acht
Tini Emde and Jens Schulz
Fehrfeld 61
28203 Bremen
Online Design and Technical Implementation
Die WG Werbeagentur
Andreas Bäumle
Schwachhauser Heerstraße 212
28213 Bremen

The Academy for Higher Education Access Development – HERE AHEAD with the programs HERE Studies, IN-Touch and :prime is a joint administrative unit according to §13 BremHG of the state-run universities in the federal State of Bremen. The Academy is attributed to the University of Bremen.